Daily Reading
Return to BlogApril 11 - Malchus
Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s servant, cutting off his right ear. (The servant’s name was Malchus.) John 18:10
When I was a music student I did a dramatized version of the oratorio, St John Passion by JS Bach. An oratorio is basically a setting of religious text work without staging or costume, which would push it towards being an opera. For years it has been proved that music is a great vehicle for learning bible verses and so it was in this case. One of the singers sang this phrase from verse 10 of John ‘his name was Malchus.’
Now the only time I have heard that name mentioned is in a bible trivia quiz because apart from the reference in the book of John and Mathew 26:51, we are not told a great deal more. But what it doesn’t tell us about Malchus, by default it tells us about Jesus. It tells us that even in the midst of the drama of Gethsemane, soldiers bustling around, destressed disciples, confused onlookers and reckless Peter, Jesus was still true to his character, patient, compassionate and caring.
He didn’t have to stop to perform ear surgery, but he did and because of that, the name Malchus is recorded in the bible. If you read that one verse alone you might think that it was just another miracle, however the ‘back story’ tells us something different. Jesus time and again demonstrated the content of his character with consistency. The woman at the well, the raising of Lazarus, the wedding at Cana, all different situations but all showing the consistency of character that Jesus had meaning that in the heat of the moment his instinct was - others first.
I could have begun this blog with the text alone, but my own ‘back story’ in relation to why it is important to me and not just a piece of trivia, reminds me that I have to keep developing my character to be like Jesus.
Allied to what my blog partner Shiella blogged on April 7, the character traits that are going to survive are the ones we feed. How are you developing/feeding yours?
Jennifer Lamountain sings ‘Oh I want to know you more.’ Click on the picture to listen.
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